
14 June 2024
Hiring Temporary Employees: Do’s and Dont’s

The flexibility to adapt workforce needs to project demands is more critical than ever. Temporary employees offer businesses the ability to scale workforce up or down efficiently, addressing specific project needs, seasonal peaks, unexpected loss of staff due to leave or resignation, or unexpected workload increases without the long-term commitment of permanent hires.

Why Hire Temporary Employees?

The decision to hire temporary employees can be driven by several factors. Whether it’s to manage an uptick in seasonal business, fill a short-term skills gap without the overhead of permanent employment, or evaluate fit before making a permanent offer, temporary hires provide a strategic lever for business agility and cost management.

How To Hire Temp Staff

1. Determine Your Needs

Find out why this staff member is needed, what role they need to cover in the business and some details around their position.

  • How long will the role be active? (Seasonal, Contract, Ongoing)
  • Are you considering employing this person permanently afterwards?
  • What will their role be?
  • What team will they work in?
  • What credentials, training or accreditations do they require?

2. Find Candidates

After defining their role more clearly, you can begin to advertise the position. You can do this through:

  • Job Boards
  • Your Company’s Social Media Profile
  • Careers Page On Your Website
  • Past Candidates or Employees
  • Temp Hire / Recruitment Hire Agencies

Ideally, you should have the following details about the role ironed out:

  • Job Title
  • Responsibilities
  • Requirements & Qualifications
  • Remuneration

3. Review Candidates

Review the applicants and prioritise them based on who’s the best fit for the role. This can be done by reading their applications, as well as through the interview process.

  • Can they succeed in the role?
  • Will they suit the work environment?
  • Do they have prior experience?

4. Hire & Onboarding

Once you’ve decided on the right applicant – it’s time to offer them the role. This involves putting together the relevant employment contracts/agreements.

Once they’ve started, you should focus on an effective onboarding. Ensuring they have all of the tools, processes and training to perform in the role. This role should have a more narrow set of responsibilities than other roles, so ensure that onboarding and training are efficient and get them up to speed quickly.

The Process of Hiring Temporary Employees

Identifying the need for temporary versus permanent staff involves assessing the duration and nature of the workload. Once a decision is made, sourcing through reputable agencies or platforms ensures access to vetted professionals. Understanding legal requirements and setting clear contractual terms upfront mitigates risks for both parties.

Maximising the Value of Temporary Workers

Effective integration into your team is essential for maximising the value of temporary hires. Clear onboarding processes, defining roles and expectations, and ensuring they’re treated as part of the team can enhance productivity and morale. Temporary assignments can also serve as an extended interview for potential permanent positions.

Are Temp Hires Always The Right Option?


Temporary employees represent a valuable strategic tool for businesses looking to remain agile in a competitive landscape. By carefully considering when and how to integrate temporary workers into their workforce, companies can optimise their staffing strategy to meet both current needs and future growth objectives.


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